From customer service to Hospitality
From the first customer service departments, which had the objective of informing, advising or managing the incidents, to the customer service, a service that integrated, in a single channel, all the contact points of the brand with its clients. The relationship of brands with their audiences has evolved a lot in recent times and in […]
Emotional Branding
From the last productive model focused on machines and serial production – characterized by supply and demand – the current industry needs to re-examine its commercial model to adapt to the demands of new consumers. Feeling, emotion and creativity are the basis of the new economic model, a new commercial scenario that places people in […]
Mediterraneanly committed
Under the title “Act I. Soul” the first announcement of the summer campaign of the Estrella Damm brewery aims to remove conscience and promote the fight against pollution of seas and oceans. The social commitment of the brand with the environment is a global commitment of the entire company. The use of green energy […]
Journalism industry and climate crisis
In the latest update of the style guide of The Guardian newspaper, journalists are recommended to use the terms: crisis, collapse or climate emergency to address the issue of climate change and the environment. These guidelines in the words of its editor Katherine Viner, represent the recognition of the magnitude and urgency of the problem: […]
Be transparent or not be
Confidence and credibility are the foundations of 21st century organizations. In a scenario of interactivity and hyper-transparency -the digital reality-, companies, and institutions must respond to the challenges that society demands to establish stable and lasting relationships with publics that demand, more and more, the commitment of organizations with the society. Being transparent is a […]
Place Branding
The human being is a social being by nature, and therefore, a communicative being; their individual survival depends, to a large extent, on their social relationships. A complex and structured relational level in social systems that allow you to know the reality of the world around you and your own. Some intra and interpersonal relationships […]
Let’s start a conversation!
Those of us who manage communication professionally in the field of business, often start from the internal communication needs of the company, without thinking, in many cases, of the needs of our recipients (customers, suppliers, workers, etc.). It is a situation that occurs repeatedly and that demands, today, a deep change in the concept of business […]
Tell me a story
Explaining stories is the oldest way to communicate. The use of words and images to excite, teach and explain. Brands need to explain, today, stories capable of thrilling and impacting. Stories that are a reflection of the brand, its values and its promise. Brand storytelling is more than the creation of a content and a […]
Intangible heritage: reputation
A company that acts without ethics can make money in the short term, but it will lose the trust of its audiences and, consequently, it will disappear. Many companies have worked and work on their external projection based on the concepts of image, communication, institutional relations or brand. But the social and cultural change of […]
The brand in feminine
Gender equality is one of the greatest demands of women, who were, what they are and what they will be. The movements of the Me Too and the world manifestations of the 8M demand a change in the masculine vision of the world and the patriarchal culture still established in many societies. The brand is […]
- From customer service to Hospitality19 September, 2019
- Emotional Branding19 September, 2019
- Mediterraneanly committed17 June, 2019
- Journalism industry and climate crisis28 May, 2019
- Be transparent or not be23 May, 2019
- Place Branding10 January, 2019
- Let’s start a conversation!9 January, 2019
- Tell me a story10 October, 2018
- Intangible heritage: reputation1 June, 2018
- The brand in feminine1 June, 2018