The brand in feminine

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Gender equality is one of the greatest demands of women, who were, what they are and what they will be. The movements of the Me Too and the world manifestations of the 8M demand a change in the masculine vision of the world and the patriarchal culture still established in many societies.

The brand is the spokesperson for values, principles and social commitments that the organization has before its audiences. A social responsibility assumed by brands that are committed to society and are responsible for their messages and actions. Brands can and must assume their social role and put an end to the stereotypes that still exist of women.

Women have broken the glass ceiling of stereotypes, there is still a long way to go, but we have started the path towards changing gender models and this is echoed by brands that are committed and those that are not, perhaps because of opportunism ?, but this road has no return. Social, empathetic and value-oriented brands have begun to change, they begin to redraw society and the way of relating to women, real women. Women drive luxury cars, the rule is red and it is spoken of, no woman looks for Jacq’s and the girls are no longer princesses. Welcome the change, even if it’s late.