Brand strategy is a business and institutional long-term plan which aims to implement a successful trade name. A well-defined brand strategy and executed it affects all aspects of the corporation and it is directly connected with the needs of its targets.

Brand positioning aligned with the mission, vision and values of the organisation ensures that the activity of the brand and the company have a common goal. Brand communication is guided and directed by the strategy of its tangible and intangible elements, and as a result, a preferred market label with the capacity of having a convincing and credible dialogue.

We work the brand as a fundamental element of the activity of the organisation, developing global strategies to achieve the objectives in the short, medium and long-term conceptualization, control and improvement mechanisms.

We seek the relevance and target market positioning of the brand working different aspects:

  • Aligning the brand values with the organisation.
  • Defining the brand value.
  • Working intangible and tangible aspects.
  • Building brand personality.
  • Construction of storytelling and forms of brand expression, visually and verbally.
  • Adaptation of speech brands new communicative scenarios.

“If a brand has no significance, it is not a brand, because it does not matter. If a mark does not give an answer to a need, it is not a mark, because it is not necessary. If a mark does not create value, it’s not a mark, because it is not relevant. And if a brand does not have a positive impact capacity in a business, it’s not a mark, because it does not sell.”

Brand names have an emotional and functional axis, which are built through values and attributes, therefore creating a successful label. For a brand to behave in the market consistently must have aligned values and attributes, emotional and functional, that allow building a meaningful message.

We work brand identity as the set of functional and mental association that become the reason for the purchase or preference. Those aspects provide the acceptance of the brand and the differentiation in the market with the competition.

This brand identity is the promise of the organisation to consumers and can be perceived as a product, a personality or values. It is the expression of the brand in society.