The capital of relationships

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The quality of the relations between the members of an organization are important for their competitiveness and they become one of the main intangibles that will impact in the medium and long-term on a strategic and differential value to operate in the market.

The quality of the work environment affects the personal and group attitude. A positive relational capital is reflected in day to day with a greater fluidity in internal communications, in decision-making and the willingness to assume responsibilities and risks of workers, in short, in the satisfaction of the entire workforce, the feeling of belonging to a community and the retention of talent and knowledge. An intangible asset that adds to the value of the business reputation. But not only should the environment be measured within the workplace, suppliers and customers are also part of the relational capital, relationships that go beyond the commercial transaction. A long-term win-win characterized by transparency and trust with audiences and, therefore, in the market.

This internal capital is built on the values shared by the entire organization. An ethical anchor that determines the behaviour of the entire organization from internal human relationships to production.

The consolidation of these values is not possible without a leadership that promotes the horizontal relationship and breaks hierarchical organizational schemes, based on control and defined and limited responsibilities that undermine professional capacities. A new leadership that gives more weight and autonomy to people and teams.